GM Class (Learn to be a Helper or GM)
February 8 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
The GM Class is for players twelve and up only, who are ready to take the next step from being just players in the game to being Helpers and/or Game Masters. The class meets once a month and covers a lot of classroom management skills, practice with difficult children, game design concepts, historical information, game balance issues, world building, and much more. Player sign up for one year, and must commit to volunteering for at least one Summer Camp where they will practice their skills. At the end of this class, players must turn in a portfolio of each assignment that was due each month and write an essay on what they have learned, how they have changed, and what they still need to do to grow. See Christopher for more information. This class is being held in Sebastopol this year, right after the Zephandria League at Willard Libby Park on the second Saturday of the month.