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Event Series Weekend League (All Skill Levels)

Weekend League (-All Skill Levels)

Mitchell Park 600 E Meadow Dr, Palo Alto, CA, United States

This event is run like a our summer camps with one Inn for first year students and the other for the Club League. Both groups will be located in the same city or region and will do some missions together but mostly run separate plot lines that relate to each other.

Event Series Palo Alto Summer Camps

Palo Alto Summer Camps

Mitchell Park 600 E Meadow Dr, Palo Alto, CA, United States

Fanwar Camps (Palo Alto – SUMMER 2023) Summer Hours 9am- 5:00pm! Information Registration: Camps are for kids ages 9 and up (exceptions can be made for 8’s with siblings at the camp, or with previous training or experience). All families must pre-register for this event. There are a limited number of spaces available. Registration and …

Event Series Zephandria Sebastopol Weekend League

Zephandria Sebastopol Weekend League

Willard Libby Park Valentine Ave & Pleasant Hill Ave N, Sebastopol, CA, United States

Once a players has attended other events and become familiar with the core rules, they can attend this event. We do not train brand new players or players who are not playing in other leagues at this event, so only come to this day if you already have the basic rules down, have been to …

Event Series Urelia Adult League

Urelia Adult League

Mitchell Park 600 E Meadow Dr, Palo Alto, CA, United States

This league is tailored towards older players and more adult plot and themes. This league is only available to players 13 and up (with some exceptions). This League takes place in Urelia, the continents to the south of Roekron. It has similar metaphysics and shares the same common history and peoples. If $20 a set …

$20 – $40

Sebastopol Weekend League (all skill levels welcome)

Willard Libby Park Valentine Ave & Pleasant Hill Ave N, Sebastopol, CA, United States

All skill levels of players (ages 9 and up or 8 and up with a mentor) can attend this event. We play characters in a continuous series of adventurers following the same characters through the year. There are two sessions, one from 10am-1pm and the other 2pm-5pm and you can attend one or both.


Birthday Party Add On (5pm-6pm)

Willard Libby Park Valentine Ave & Pleasant Hill Ave N, Sebastopol, CA, United States

Birthday Party Add on For Diego!

Event Series Sebastopol Summer Camps

Sebastopol Summer Camps

Willard Libby Park Valentine Ave & Pleasant Hill Ave N, Sebastopol, CA, United States

Fanwar Camps (Sebastopol – SUMMER 2023) Summer Hours 9am- 5:00pm! Information Registration: Camps are for kids ages 9 and up (exceptions can be made for 8’s with siblings at the camp, or with previous training or experience). All families must pre-register for this event. There are a limited number of spaces available. Registration and payment …

Event Series Weekend League (All Skill Levels)

Weekend League (All Skill Levels)

Mitchell Park 600 E Meadow Dr, Palo Alto, CA, United States

This event is run like a our summer camps with one Inn for first year students and the other for the Club League. Both groups will be located in the same city or region and will do some missions together but mostly run separate plot lines that relate to each other.

Event Series Palo Alto Summer Camps

Palo Alto Summer Camps

Mitchell Park 600 E Meadow Dr, Palo Alto, CA, United States

Fanwar Camps (Palo Alto – SUMMER 2023) Summer Hours 9am- 5:00pm! Information Registration: Camps are for kids ages 9 and up (exceptions can be made for 8’s with siblings at the camp, or with previous training or experience). All families must pre-register for this event. There are a limited number of spaces available. Registration and …

Event Series Urelia Adult League

Urelia Adult League

Mitchell Park 600 E Meadow Dr, Palo Alto, CA, United States

This league is tailored towards older players and more adult plot and themes. This league is only available to players 13 and up (with some exceptions). This League takes place in Urelia, the continents to the south of Roekron. It has similar metaphysics and shares the same common history and peoples. If $20 a set …

$20 – $40